ARIPO is the Intellectual Property Office for which most of the members are English speaking countries. Currently nine (09) member states may be designated in the application namely: Botswana, Lesotho, Liberia, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Tanzania-Mainland, Malawi, Namibia and Swaziland.
Trademark Registration
- Information of applicant: name, address, and nationality.
- Simply signed Power of Attorney.
- A certified copy of priority application (if claimed).
- Classes and specification of goods/services.
- A copy of the trademark.
- Certified Priority Documents (if claimed)
Time for a trademark registration: 12 Months
Patent Registration
- Information of applicant: name, address, and nationality
- Simply signed Power of Attorney (scanned copy sufficient)
- List of countries to be designated in application
- A description of the invention, a claim or claims, a drawing
- Or drawings (where necessary), sequence listing (where necessary) and an abstract.
Time for a Patent registration: Months
For registration fees, POA/DOA forms, trademark renewal, patent/design annuity, assignment, license, opposition, enforcement,litigation or other inquiries, please email us at: