Trademark Registration
- Application form;
- Representation of the claimed trademark;
- A list of goods/services for which registration is sought;
- A certified copy of the priority application and its Uzbek or Russian translation should be provided within three months from the date of filing.
- A simply signed copy of Power of Attorney should be provided within two months from the filing date. Official legalization is not required..
Time for a trademark registration: 1~2 Months
Patent Registration
- Information of applicant: name, address, and nationality
- Information of inventor (if the applicant is not the inventor): name, address, and nationality
- Simply signed Power of Attorney. Scan copy is sufficient.
- Certified copy of the priority document if claimed
- Description including claims, drawings, and abstract with Russian translation.
- Deed of assignment document, if the applicant is not the inventor.
Time for a Patent Registration: 28 Months