About Us

AIP&T is a leading Intellectual Property firm in West Asia , Africa, America, Europe, and Oceania. The Law Firm of Mohammad Saleh Alotaishan in Riyadh Saudi Arabia is the Headquarter of AIP&T. Atty Mohammad Saleh Alotaishan LL.M, a US educated lawyer is the founder of AIP&T in 2008. The initial goal of AIP&T was to provide high professional standard in a very competitive fee. As AIP&T obtains more success and trust by client, its then adopted the mission to secure client’s IP work in more sophisticated jurisdictions in West Asia, Africa, America, Europe, and Oceania
AIP&T has 22 offices, 2 offices in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, Oman, Lebanon, GCC Patent Office, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Nigeria, Cameroon, Kenya, Tanzania (Tanganyika), Tanzania (Zanzibar), Uganda, Madagascar, South Sudan, ARIPO, OAPI, Kazakhstan, and Chile .In addition, AIP&T works in 104 other jurisdictions through very professional associates. With more than 150 professionals and more than 2,000 clients, AIP&T is one of the most growing IP firms in the region.
Accountability and speed are key features of AIP&T. These features are reflected in many outstanding services provided by AIP&T including but not limited to filing in short notice, free watch service, and centralized litigation department.
Since filing is a central procedure for securing IP right, AIP&T takes the objective to perform this procedure in short notice through the week in its 7 existing offices or through its other 60 associates in the region. We avoid any restrictions against speed filing. We even use social media communications with our associates to proceed in instantly for critical cases.
Trademark infringement of successful brands is unavoidable problems in the region. Therefor, it is a necessity to keep an eye over all publication in many key countries. AIP&T has therefor devoted an independent trademark watch department verifying all publications posted in key jurisdictions such as Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Oman, Yemen, Jordan, Kuwait, Iraq, West Bank, Gaza Strip, Egypt, and OAPI.
Litigation department at AIP&T consists of 50 intellectual property attorneys. The team works in two bases. The centralization of intellectual property litigation scheme and the illustration/demonstration of international Intellectual property policies to local courts.
The centralization is reflected by the fact that our team directly analyse, prepare, and draft complaints, memorandum, arguments, and counter argument for local lawyers who physically perform litigation in the related jurisdiction. The advantage of this practice is to maintain control over the quality and strength of argument as the same will always be the product of 20 intellectual property attorneys.
The litigation department demonstrates to local courts the same industrial and commercial policies used by courts in developed countries. From our experience, we find a very serious gap between what is applied internationally and would be the understanding of local courts in less developed countries. The litigation department is working in filling this gap through presenting correct policies to local court who always have open mind to adopt fair policies wherever they are presented in a persuasive manner for them. This ultimately supports technology and brand owners to be sure that their valuable right will not be lost because of wrong application of industrial or commercial policies. For example, many courts in different countries across the region do not examine the strength and distinctiveness of marks. As a result, they reached unreasonable judgment. Our Team takes the mission to clearly present these schisms and in most cases we succeed.
department at AIP&T consists of Patent attorneys with engineering background so the firm is covering complete patent filing, prosecution, litigation, and high volume of annuities. Beside patent, the firm annually handle more than 4,000 applications for trademark filing, renewals, and other procedures.
